The New Standard in Online Esports

Gamers Oasis is an upcoming Esports platform that has EXCLUSIVELY licensed Wamba Technologies Esports Patent (Patent 10,424,160) which will allow players to use their mobile devices to compete where they can pay an entry fee into a skill-based video game tournament, compete against dozens, and hundreds, or even thousands of other players, and win real money back in real-time. Unlike other platforms, this platform will be built right into the games you play, ridding the world of the need to use the honor system, will automatically determine the winners, and then pay… immediately!

Over the past ten years, one standout in the stock market has been the phenomenal performance of technology giants, commonly referred to as the FAANG stocks. Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google. These companies have not only dominated their respective sectors but have significantly shaped the entire technological landscape. These companies have capitalized on the explosion of digital connectivity, mobile technology, and the rise of e-commerce. Apple’s steady stream of innovative products, Amazon’s unparalleled dominance in online retail, and Google’s advertising empire propelled these stocks to new heights. Netflix disrupted traditional television with its streaming service, while Facebook (now Meta) transformed social networking. Investors who recognized and bet on the sustained growth potential of these tech behemoths have not just been handsomely rewarded and not just seen obscene monetary gains, but have had SO much success as to become the darlings of Wall Street. As a result, private investors have tripped over themselves racing to invest in an industry in its infancy. 

Comprehensive Anti-Cheating/Scooping software.

Create the world’s largest platform for mobile to mobile skill-based gaming tournaments.

Offer a robust selection of skill-based games.

Dominate the global E-sports market with exclusive licensing opportunities.

Online betting mega-giant FanDuel has just demonstrated the newest model of digital connectivity and mobile technology with their newest array of products, mobile video game competitions.  With games like “Jordan Spieth’s Fairway Frenzy”, a golf game that allows players to compete against each other for real money where they pay an entry fee, compete, and win money back, FanDuel is now a $22B powerhouse and they haven’t even scratched the surface yet!  

Wamba Technologies EXCLUSIVELY owns the technology requisite for growth in this burgeoning Esports sector and has licensed that technology EXCLUSIVELY to Gamers Oasis (GO).  With exclusive ownership of the rights to develop these kinds of “real money competition games”, could Gamers Oasis eventually be as large as FanDuel?  To exclusively capture the 3 BILLION person video game marketplace is not just to become a giant, but to lengthen the acronym.  In 10 years from now, people will be talking about the FAANGO stocks.

Comprehensive Anti-Cheating/Scooping software.

Create the world’s largest platform for mobile to mobile skill-based gaming tournaments.


Offer a robust selection
of skill-based games.


Dominate the global
E-sports market with
exclusive licensing opportunities.

Online betting mega-giant FanDuel has just demonstrated the newest model of digital connectivity and mobile technology with their newest array of products, mobile video game competitions.  With games like “Jordan Spieth’s Fairway Frenzy”, a golf game that allows players to compete against each other for real money where they pay an entry fee, compete, and win money back, FanDuel is now a $22B powerhouse and they haven’t even scratched the surface yet!  

Wamba Technologies EXCLUSIVELY owns the technology requisite for growth in this burgeoning Esports sector and has licensed that technology EXCLUSIVELY to Gamers Oasis (GO).  With exclusive ownership of the rights to develop these kinds of “real money competition games”, could Gamers Oasis eventually be as large as FanDuel?  To exclusively capture the 3 BILLION person video game marketplace is not just to become a giant, but to lengthen the acronym.  In 10 years from now, people will be talking about the FAANGO stocks.



1 in 2.7 people play video games on a consistent basis.


People watch e-sport competitions.


of the 3.3B people regularly wager or gamble on various things.


of those 660M people live in the United States.

If a company who held a patent on this were to successfully corner this market, they would ultimately realize a social network that rivaled Facebook in size and a streaming platform that rivaled YouTube in viewership.

Facebook presently has a market cap north of $1T. YouTube is valued at approximately $400B.

We don’t nickel and dime.

Welcome to Gamers Oasis.